Why Falling in Love With Your Fans is Key to Business Success | with Tracy Arrington

Tracy Arrington joins the Brand to Fan Show in episode 13

Brand to Fan EP13

It’s the flip side of the Brand to Fan Show, with guest Tracy Arrington. Together we explore the business of fandom from a brand perspective and why brands must fall in love with their customers, too.  


Episode 13:

We’re taking a turn on this episode of the Brand to Fan show and flipping the script. It’s time to start looking deeper into the brands that create the fan and asking if the brands THEMSELVES can become loyal fans of THEIR fans. Tracy Arrington is a multi-hyphenate professor of practice (she’s a marketer, strategist, speaker, and author!) sits down with host Lauren Teague to explore why brands must stay true to their fanbase and how to maintain that connection with them. 

We explore how the advertising industry has changed over time and pinpoint exactly what has stayed the same. (You might be surprised.) Plus, we double down on what’s changed by analyzing what an audience’s “purpose” has to do with companies retaining their fans. 

And speaking of analyzing, we narrow down exactly which pieces of data are necessary to figure out what makes fans tick and why all that data may not be so boring after all. Plus, we find out the best way to keep track of all that information, all the while protecting our customers. 

One of our favorite parts of this episode is when we discussed what it means to meet our fans where they are — meaning brands can’t force fans to fall in love with them on a certain platform if that’s just not where the fans are. 

Tune in for the flip side of the Brand to Fan show, as Tracy shares a fascinating and analytical perspective on measuring fandom from the inside out.


It is making a great product, but also nurturing the relationship and building an emotional connection with your audience, showing them respect and that they’re valued because that longevity comes from the heart, not from the wallet.
— Tracy Arrington

The Guest: Tracy Arrington

Tracy Arrington is a marketing and media executive with more than 20 years of experience. She is the author of 101 Things I Learned in Advertising School, and practices this daily as the Assistant Professor of Practice at the University of Texas. Tracy is also the Chief Experience Officer at The Next Practice and Next Practices Group. Tracy lives in Austin.



In this Episode

  • 1:06 - Introducing Tracy Arrington

  • 1:55 - “101 Things I Learned in Advertising School” summed up in a few minutes

  • 5:50 - Aspects of advertising that stand the test of time

  • 9:38 - What a shift in “purpose” has done to the advertising industry

  • 13:45 - The secret sauce to building a connection with your audience

  • 17:07 - How newer generations feel about consumerism and the impact it has on the ad world  

  • 23:38 - The beauty of meeting consumers where they are 

  • 27:59 - Rethinking the customer experience and what it means for your audience 

  • 36:12 - Using data to figure out your fans while protecting them at the same time

  • 43:16 - What is Tracy a fan of right now 

  • 45:13 - The story behind Tracy’s favorite piece of fanwear 

  • 48:07 - TL;DL Recap from Lauren

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What are you a fan of?

"I have been a lifelong fan of Nike, and it has been fascinating to observe their brand's evolution over the years while remaining consistent. Nike is not a stagnant brand. They are willing to take chances and are purpose-driven. Having worked with them before, I can attest to their commitment to creativity and unique culture. Although they are a data-informed brand, they also have a respect for creativity and the emotional connection that other brands aspire to. Despite their size, Nike continues to inspire me and many others.

What is your favorite piece of Fanwear you own?

“I received this hat as a gift from my sister, and it holds special meaning for me as we both attended the University of Texas. The burnt orange hat features the phrase "goodbye and good luck," which is recognized by many UT alumni of my generation. Bill Livingston was the voice of the registration system when you registered for classes at Texas and he would say this phrase at the end of every phone registration. His warm and comforting voice stayed with me even today, though he passed away at the age of 93. Every time I wear this hat, it feels like a hug and a reminder of the joy I felt when registering for classes at UT. While I have other UT gear, this hat is particularly special because it represents a hyper-specific connection with other Longhorns and always brings a smile to my face.


Show Credits

Brand to Fan Show is produced by Teague FC and supported by FanWagn

Audio production by Bryan Griggs / Griggs Production

Producers: Kimberly Voorhis, Ashley Ruiz and Carrie Hellbusch

Video Editing by Garrett Teague

And I’m your host, Lauren Teague.