The Employalty Edge: How Boosting Employee Loyalty Amplifies Your Brand's Reach | with Joe Mull

Brand to Fan EP12

We dive deep into the world of great jobs and bossing better with Joe Mull, a company culture expert and author of the book EMPLOYALTY. Listen in as Joe shares the keys to employee retention, the connection between loyal employees and brand fans, and how to address burnout from the top down.


Episode 12: The Employalty Edge: How Boosting Employee Loyalty Amplifies Your Brand's Reach

As the Brand to Fan Show explores fandom on every level, one aspect that can get put on the back burner is when internal fandom is built within the company itself. There’s no one better to talk about what’s happening in today’s workplace than Joe Mull, company culture expert and author of the book EMPLOYALTY. Together we take a peek inside what it means to create fans of a brand from the inside out.

The workplace has changed exponentially over the last few decades, even more so over the past few years - yet companies are always faced with the joyous task of figuring out exactly HOW to maintain employee retention. Joe shares the secret sauce of creating cultural loyalty in just three steps while building a better brand.

Yet, these days with phrases like “quiet quitting” and “Bare Minimum Mondays” floating around, we can’t address brand culture loyalty without acknowledging job burnout. Joe details why leaders must set the tone at work and fill us in on why The Great Resignation REALLY matters. 

It may be easy to peg employees as lazy or lacking any drive these days, but Joe explains how it’s actually not true and why using certain metrics can prove it by measuring a brand’s internal success. 

And it wouldn’t be the Brand to Fan show if we didn’t get the deets on Joe’s favorite piece of fanwear, along with the company his family is brand loyal to… and it’s likely to be on your list of favorites too.


People aren’t quitting. They’re switching, and more specifically, they’re upgrading. They are upgrading in pursuit of better quality of life.
— Joe Mull

The Guest: Joe Mull

Joe Mull is the author of the new book EMPLOYALTY: How to Ignite Commitment and Keep Top Talent in the New Age of Work. He’s a dynamite keynote speaker and employee engagement expert who founded the BossBetter Leadership Academy. Joe hosts the BossBetter Now podcast from his office in Pittsburgh, PA. 



In this Episode

  • 1:15 - Meet Joe Mull: Company culture expert and author of EMPLOYALTY

  • 1:38 - Joe shares his personal fandom and how it has shaped his identity

  • 3:55 - The genesis of Employalty and its importance in the modern workplace

  • 4:47 - The three keys to employee retention and creating a culture of loyalty

  • 9:16 - Exploring the connection between loyal employees and brand fans

  • 17:22 - Strategies for retaining amazing employees and building a strong workforce

  • 21:58 - Addressing burnout from the top down: How leaders can set the tone

  • 28:47 - The Great Resignation: What it's really all about and why it matters

  • 34:05 - Dispelling the myth that no one wants to work in today's job market

  • 36:27 - Measuring internal brand success: Key metrics and indicators to track

  • 38:07 - Rethinking what work looks like in a post-pandemic world

  • 40:24 - Joe's favorite piece of fanwear and the story behind it

  • 42:40 - TL;DL (Too Long; Didn't Listen): Key takeaways from the episode

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What are you a fan of?

Disney immediately comes to mind as a brand that has played a significant role in my life. It started in high school when I became passionate about music, theater, and performing. Now as a parent, Disney movies have become a big part of our family life.

From a young age, I dreamed of having a family and taking them to Disney World. I never went to Disney World when I was a kid but for as long as I could remember, this was a thing that I put up on a pedestal.

Fortunately, I could take my family to Disney World for the first time a couple of years ago, and we've returned since. We're undoubtedly a Disney family.

What is your favorite piece of Fanwear you own?

Pittsburgh is the only major sports market in the US where all major league teams share the same color scheme – black and gold. I'm a huge Sidney Crosby fan and have two of his jerseys; one from his second year as an assistant captain and a newer, special one.

However, when you asked this question, the first thing that came to my mind was a pair of small Troy Polamalu jerseys I bought years ago for my kids when they were just old enough to walk. These jerseys were purchased towards the end of Polamalu's career. I found them on sale at a local sports store. I fondly remember my two oldest kids running around in their matching Troy Polamalu jerseys. They've outgrown them now. They can't wear them anymore. They're a perfect candidate for FanWagn, and I should be sending them your way to get them up.

But those jerseys hold a special place and created a lasting memory I will cherish for a long time.


Show Credits

Brand to Fan Show is produced by Teague FC and supported by FanWagn

Audio production by Bryan Griggs / Griggs Production

Producers: Kimberly Voorhis, Ashley Ruiz and Carrie Hellbusch

Video Editing by Garrett Teague

And I’m your host, Lauren Teague.