Un-Brand to Un-Fan: Strategies for Closer Company-Customer Connections | with Scott Stratten

“Un-Brand to Un-Fan” Show Ep18

Discover the secrets to engaging fans like never before! Scott Stratten joins us in this episode to reveal game-changing insights on building authentic relationships with your customers and fans. Realize actionable strategies to create a loyal fanbase and grow your business!


Episode 18:

Are you ready to explore the fascinating world of fandom from a fresh perspective? As you know, on this podcast, we dive deep into fandom and explore how it impacts both brands and the fans they aim to connect with. We've covered various aspects of fandom, from leadership strategies to data-driven insights and even the power of humor and authenticity.

But today, we're shaking things up a bit. I am thrilled to have Scott Stratten as my guest, a true game-changer who challenges our perceptions. Scott and his wife Alison have authored six incredible books, including Unmarketing, Unselling, and Unbranding. Join us as we explore the intersection of music and brand building, and discover how to amplify your message and connect more deeply with your audience through the universal language of music.

Let's uncover the hidden gems about fandom that might seem obvious to someone like Scott but can revolutionize how we show up for our fans as entrepreneurs and business leaders. Get ready to transform your approach as we embark on this exciting journey on the "Unbrand to Unfan" episode!


When you’re good to your fans, they’ll be good to you. And that’s good for business.
— Scott Stratten

The Guest: Scott Stratten

Scott Stratten is the President of UnMarketing. He has co-authored 6 best-selling business books with his business partner and wife Alison. Scott was formerly a music industry marketer, National Sales Training Manager, and a College Professor. He ran one of the most successful viral video agencies in the world for nearly a decade before solely focusing on speaking at events for companies like Walmart, Pepsi, Adobe, IBM, Microsoft, Cirque du Soleil, and Saks Fifth Avenue when they needed help navigating their way through the landscape of business disruption.



TL;DL (too long; didn’t listen)

My key takeaways from Episode 18 with Scott Stratten

  • Fandom is an irresistible force that can energize and inspire fans to achieve greatness, but it requires a personal touch that engages fans deeply and authentically.

  • Breaking down barriers between fans and brands is essential for creating meaningful connections that last, regardless of whether you're a musician, athlete, or business.

  • We need to ask ourselves, how accessible are we to our fans? Do we show up and engage or stay behind the scenes? Those who cultivate fandom know how meaningful engagement is for building lasting relationships.

  • Fans never forget how they're treated, so it's up to us to take the time to show them we care and give them something to remember, whether it's through social media, meet and greets, or simply being present.

  • Fandom is a choice, and we must offer inclusive experiences that allow everyone to feel valued and appreciated. Exclusivity doesn't have to be expensive or create boundaries to make an impact.

  • Being good to people is good for business and has always been that way. Taking the time to show that we care and being authentic creates loyalty that pays dividends over time.

  • People are the secret ingredient for success, and we need to empower them to show up as themselves and connect with customers and fans on a deep, personal level. Embracing individuality and authenticity wins people over at the moment and builds lasting relationships.

In this Episode (Time Stamps):

  • 0:31 - Introducing Scott Stratten

  • 4:29 - Breaking down the fandom of the music industry

  • 6:10 - When the world of music meets technology

  • 11:45 - Breaking down the binary experience of fandom

  • 16:20 - Embracing your fans

  • 19:40 - The vulnerability of fandom

  • 21:25 - OG Twitter interactions and how it’s changed today

  • 29:50 - Fandom is not a project: it's a process 

  • 32:50 - The exhaustion of measuring affinity

  • 34:13 - Why brands should empower their employees to be authentic

  • 45:20 - The ONE secret to building brand loyalty

  • 47:38 - What Scott is a fan of right now

  • 48:47 - Scott’s favorite piece of fanwear

What are you a fan of?

"My experience in the music business shaped everything I do now. I could have written a book on marketing called, “Everything I learned from Lee's Palace,” which is a venue in Toronto. When you have fans that have no money and you have no money, you really learn how to market. You learn how to do things that are not expensive, but special. We started an email VIP list in the late nineties. Nobody had one.

Those type of things; How can we make [fans] feel special? And that was it. We had no money, fans had no money. What are we gonna do? How are we gonna do this? That's set the tone for my life."

What is your favorite piece of Fanwear you own?

"That's the replica [Toronto] Raptors championship ring, and it's special to me because none of my teams have ever won since I've been a fan. So this is my one. Detroit Lions aren’t doing well. This is my one.

The children didn't understand that once the Raptors won this, I only said, ‘25 years.’ They're like, but the Raptor has been around for 27 years. I said, ‘No, this has bought me 25 years of happiness.’

I will not complain about the team. I'll watch them when they're doing well. If they're stressing me out, I'll turn them off. We got it done. That was so much fun and I had nothing to do with it, so it was amazing."


Show Credits

Brand to Fan Show is produced by Teague FC and supported by FanWagn

Audio production by Bryan Griggs / Griggs Production

Producers: Kimberly Voorhis, Ashley Ruiz and Carrie Hellbusch

Video Editing by Garrett Teague

AI assistance from Pictory.AI and CastMagic

And I’m your host, Lauren Teague.