Lauren Teague

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The Right Moves: How the First Viral Video Star Engages Millions of Fans | with Judson Laipply

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Episode 31: Judson Laipply

What came first: YouTube or the viral video? It’s one of the questions we had to answer with our next guest, Judson Laipply. Judson is best known for creating the initial break-the-internet-moment when his “Evolution of the Dance” clip went viral in the earliest days of YouTube. In this episode, Judson and I discuss becoming the world's first YouTube celebrity and what he has (or hasn't) done to follow up on that act. 

In Episode 31, we uncover the power of nostalgia, the magic of unique branding, and the unmistakable influence of genuine connections. Judson shares his journey from creating the iconic "Evolution of Dance" to becoming a sought-after professional speaker. He delves into his philosophy on success and happiness and why cultivating a personal connection with your audience is more important than chasing the next viral hit.

Join us as we explore how the digital landscape has transformed from flip phones and dial-up to AI and the ever-changing world of social media. Lauren shares her perspective from inside the ropes on the PGA TOUR, and Judson shares the fame-to-frenzy of bourbon bottle FOMO. This episode is packed with remarkable insights into the intersection of technology, brand-building, and the crucial human touch in an increasingly digital age.

Get ready to be inspired and perhaps learn a thing or two about dancing your way into the hearts of fans worldwide. This is the Brand to Fan Show; let's get started!

Written with an AI assist from Castmagic. You can check out more insights from the episode here and sign up for your own account.

TL;DL (too long; didn’t listen) Recap

My real-time notes from the conversation with Judson Laipply

  • Judson’s Journey: Traced his path from childhood to becoming a professional speaker, inspired by early motivational figures like Zig Zigler, who his parents shared.

  • Understanding the Speaking Business: Emphasized the importance of comprehending the business side of professional speaking.

  • Crafting a Unique Offering: The necessity of differentiating oneself in the speaking industry.

  • Developing ‘Evolution of Dance’: Before creating his iconic dance sequence, Judson experimented with poetry, storytelling, and human levitation, but it was the ‘Evolution of Dance’ that truly captured the audience’s imagination.

  • Symbiosis of Songs and Dances: Choosing songs and dances so closely intertwined that they become a singular, memorable act.

  • Perspectives on Evolution and Change: Discussing how change is a constant in life, and the importance of embracing it rather than categorizing it as good or bad.

  • Early Days on YouTube: Reflecting on the challenges of being an early content creator on YouTube, a platform that was not yet the creator-focused community it is today.

  • Engaging with Fans Effectively: The importance of selecting the right platforms for meaningful interaction with fans.

  • Formula for Success: How a perfect combination of technology, accessibility, audience, and nostalgia contributed to the success of ‘Evolution of Dance’.

  • Internet’s Dual Role in Connectivity: Acknowledging how the internet can both facilitate and hinder genuine human connections.

  • Fostering Human Connections: The audience’s desire for authentic interactions and how creating ‘tribal’ connections can foster deeper fan relationships.

  • Spotlight on Brands: Mentioning brands like “ON” and “Hooka” shoes, illustrating their journey from niche to widespread popularity.

  • Buffalo Trace Distillery’s Strategy: Discussing their approach to tapping into the underground bourbon culture and using brand affinity to propel growth, exemplified by their unique promotion strategy.

The Guest: Judson Laipply

J.udson Laipply M.Ed, CSP is a mystery disguised as a conundrum shrouded in an enigma. He's not just a speaker, he's a laugh-and-learn entertainer who fuses comedy with content, humor with education, and vivacity with engagement. Judson challenges audiences to embrace change and evolve, while guiding them through the journey with a smile and a chuckle. He's a world-famous YouTube sensation and has graced the likes of the Today Show, Ellen, Oprah, GMA, and beyond. He's the first video to hit 100 million views, with his iconic "The Evolution of Dance" video wowing billions. A master of change and evolution, Judson will teach you to embrace struggle, make choices, and never stop evolving


In this Episode (Time Stamps):

04:53 Unique content or story leaves a lasting impression.

07:05 Evolution of Dance launch catapulted Judson’s career.

09:38 Evolution of dance included music, branding, and moves.

15:29 Best and worst timing shaped my journey.

17:29 Believe in achieving balance and happiness.

21:50 Digital world complexity, audience targeting, early internet experiences.

26:12 YouTube started as a dating site.

29:21 The Internet facilitates connections but may hinder human interaction.

30:46 Connecting people in more human ways is crucial.

35:58 Ellen Show backstage chaos over Tiger Wood's makeup refusal.

39:09 Social media impact on fame summarized.

41:58 Show sold out, filmed for HBO tour.

45:15 Cloud shoes now mainstream, bourbon's underground popularity.

47:59 Cleveland fan supports pitcher with a special t-shirt.

50:24 Early advice: Understand the business and be unique.

53:39 TL; DL Recap of the conversation from host Lauren Teague


I live in Cleveland, and we had a pitcher for our baseball team a few years ago, named Carlos Carrasco, who was unfortunately at the time diagnosed with adult leukemia, which is a very rare thing. He's fine. He was great, but he had this incredible year, because the year afterwards he ended up being an all-star pitcher and was the all-star MVP. And so his nickname was Cookie.

So they sold T-shirts to help raise money and awareness, and it says, “I stand for cookie”, and then has the emblem of that. So everyone always thinks it's a shirt, for like actual cookies. I'm a big fan of cookies but people here in Cleveland know that it was for Carlos Carrasco.

Show Credits

Brand to Fan Show is produced by Teague FC and supported by FanWagn

Audio production by Bryan Griggs / Griggs Production

Producer: Kimberly Voorhis

Video Editing by Garrett Teague

AI assistance from Pictory.AI and Castmagic

And I’m your host, Lauren Teague.

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